Extra Blogging -About UN Secretariat /Jiyeon Han

This post is about introducing the UN Secretariat. 

  1. What is UN Secretariat?First of all, I want to write briefly about what is the un secretariat. The UN secretariat is one of the main organs of the UN. They are organized along departmental lines, with each department or office having a distinct area of action and responsibility.
    They coordinate with each other to ensure cohension as they carry out the day to day work of the Organization in offices and duty stations around the world.
    Typically, They provide the research and information necessary for the meetings of the UN's Councils, and prepares relevant facilities.
    In Korea, UN Secretariat is famous because of Ban Ki-moon who was cheif of UN Secreariat Qualifications for membership include "the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity", according to the UN Charter. Staff-members are appointed by the Secretary-General alone and are assigned to the organs of the United Nations.
    Staff members are appointed on a temporary or permanent basis, under the discretion of the Secretary-General.

  2. Is it working well?
    Critics of the appointment process say it lacks transparency and falls prey to cronyism due to the permanent members' power and negotiations over secret candidates. But The secretariat's procedures cause delay due to lack of adequate delegation of authority to executive agencies cumbersome procedures of doing work in the secretariat and the practices of postponing decisions, over consultation and excessive coordination.
    The methods of work in the secretariat are uniform, the same for the dealing with specialized and non-specialised matters. The practices of uniform method of work based on the system of ‘noting’ are unhelpful dealing with specialized and technical matter. So I think UN Secretariat need to be reformed to more positive direction.
  3. Are they important?
    UN Secretariat is important organization. The first reason is that It maintains international peace. Secondly, It protects human rights. Thirdly, It delivers humanitarian aid. Next, It promotes sustainble development. Finally, UN Secretariat upholes international low.
