Blog assignment 3 / Political Globalization / Siyoung In

1) summarize in your own words of materials you read; 
Political globalization has emphasized the decline of nation-states under the influence of the international community, on the other hand, creating different kinds of political trends resulting from the development of inter-state networks, and de- and reterritorialization.
For some, while the process of political globalization opens up new possibilities of liberation, for others globalization leads to loss of autonomy and division of the social world.
Political globalization can be understood as a tension between the three processes that interact to create a complex field of world politics: global geopolitics, global normative culture and polycentric networks.
This article raises questions about the assumption that political globalization is a transnational political action challenging neo-liberalistic politics. Globalization can also strengthen democracy, but it can divide democracy by turning state rule into capitalism.
There are four main driving forces in political globalization: the transformation of nationality and citizenship, the public sphere and political communication, civil society, and space and borders

Currently, countries are being invaded by the global market. As the global economy, dominated by the national economy, shifted from a national economy to a global economy, a new economic power was born to challenge the nation's power. As a result, the state should share sovereignty with other countries. Another approach is the argument that the state should share sovereignty with non-governmental actors, which leads to pluralism. In all this the nation is only a source of political power.
However, through the EU, this has rather ironically saved the country than jeopardizing it. For example, the European Union has independent regulatory authority, such as environment, drugs, which is a regulatory feature originally held by existing countries, but the difference today is that these functions are performed at a transnational level. After all, the nation's existence does not wane as it becomes a functional component of the transnational organization and a major agent of world capitalism. In view of this, political globalization is not the end of the nation but a change of state.
Countries are more flexible in responding to globalization. The resulting national anthem faces a crisis of national division between nationality and civil rights, ethnicity and national division.
Due to the influence of globalization, the nation's nation was secluded from the country. The nation's politics do not exercise its sovereignty over the country and the nation has lost much of its sovereignty now.

Communication is the center of politics. According to Habermas, communication is an open place for political and cultural debate and is not fully institutionalized or controlled. The public sphere is a political place.
And this public sphere is prevalent by what is called the global public. Here, the global public is an area of current discourse that forms the context of political communication and public discourse today. This global public has a huge impact on all communication in that it constructs and contexts public discourse such as human rights and environmental issues.
And the world's normative culture plays a leading role in shaping political communication. This is due to the global civil society, which has greatly developed the global norm culture. Political globalization is best seen in terms of these changes in political communication and broader changes in the public sphere.

At the center of what was said earlier is the Civil Society. Political civilization means the commonality of political forms, such as local, global, national, multinational, and sustainable social rights. This civil society has also resulted from institutionalization of social and political divisions and an incidental change in the growing connectivity between regions. Civil society is permeating international relations, and countries are increasingly adopting a form of politics that mobilizes actors from international civil society and competes in the global public arena.
The global civil society seeks to resolve the contradictory trend of being central to the experience of globalization. The two contradictions are between the homogeneity of globalization and the increase in respect for differences in trends. The second is that globalization works within individual forces but at the same time creates new types of autonomy, such as community networks and collective identity. This shows tensions between a national civil society and a global civil society that is the main driving force of political globalization.
Keane defines civil society as 'an area of social activity that is legally recognized and guaranteed by the state'.
However, the global civil society is not defined in relation to the 'state'. Schote says that global civil society is defined as a global community of civic activities with an organized scope, problem solving, cross-border communication, and actors organize on the basis of transnational solidarity.
In a sense, the globalization of civil society follows the same pattern as democracy, ethnicity, and citizenship. Simply put, the growth of global civil society is the result of increased interaction opportunities between domestic and international politics. However, it is not appropriate to view the global civil society as a group of previously existing national civil society. And the global civil society undermines the importance of territorial nations and encourages individuals to view themselves as global individuals granted natural rights.

If we view globalization as a social change, it is about a change in the relationship between the state and its citizens, and then we must rethink the nature and meaning of political space and borders.
Perception of the transformative potential of globalization has led to the reconsideration of "space change" in social and political circles.
The relationship between globalization and new political space and borders revolves around two important spatial dynamics. The first is that network societies are organized by the space of the place and the space of flow that exists in the tense tension. The space of flow means 'social practice without geography,' a world of mobility and network connectivity, and space in a place refers to a culturally defined form of spatial composition. Second, as a result of globalization, the nature of the nation and society is changing, and internal/external and domestic/foreign people have new meaning.
And these dynamics have led to two central themes in the study of political globalization. One is the opportunity for the emergence of new political spaces and accompanying borders and re-captures, and the other is the increased emphasis on mobility, flow and networks that connect existing places in new ways or represent new forms of space in itself.
Space and boundaries are plural, overlapping and experiential. What is important is that the nation no longer dominates space imagination and much of the world.
Globalization has given new roles in non-national areas, enabled their interconnectivity and cross-border networking, given them the opportunity for 'world cities' and created awareness of the global space.

2) mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned; 
Until this time, globalization only led to the decline of the nation's national anthem, presenting other new forms that had never been before. However, I realized that it was more appropriate to say that it brought about 'new changes' rather than decline in national and national borders.
And one of the interesting things was that it not only affected this political globalization and 'nationality,' but also caused a lot of changes across the realm, such as public sector, political communication, civil society, borders and space.

3) identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle;
Globalization has already become widespread in various aspects, such as political globalization. But does this political globalization only bring about good aspects? I think this political globalization can definitely lead to negative aspects, and I would like to discuss what other people think about it, and what if we think it is really about negative aspects.


  1. I think your post is really good. Regarding to your discussion point, I think that is a given that almost everything that exist in this world have it's own positive and negative side. For this matters I think that we can took an example of a country that will slowly loose it's autonomy because of the globalization effects.


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