Blog assignment 2 – Cultural Globalization / Um jihye

1.     Summary

Cultural globalization refers to the delivery of ideas, meanings and world values in a way that strengthens expansion and social relationships. In modern times and at the beginning of the 20th century, cultural globalization is represented as a general consumption of culture diffused by the Internet, mass cultural media, and international travel. It has long history and has been added to the exchange of goods and colonization process, with the significance of culture around the world. Cultural globalization involves the formation of shared norms and knowledge that connect people to their individual and group cultural identities. This provides an increasing correlation between different groups and cultures.

The process of globalization involves the capitalist system. Globalization is a phenomenon and process in which interactions with people, objects and knowledge in different regions occur simultaneously on a global scale. Globalization accelerated cultural globalization by allowing easy exchange of information and ideas through media such as the Internet and SNS. It also affects food, clothing, music, movies, and sports that people all over the world enjoy today.

The pattern of cultural globalization is a way of spreading theory and ideas from one place to another. Globalization has influenced us economically and politically, but it has also affected us on a broader social scale. Cultural globalization integrates scholars from various fields of learning, such as anthropology, sociology, communications, cultural studies, geography, politics, and international relations.

One of the predictions of cultural changes caused by globalization is the homogenization of culture. A phenomenon in which a region's cultural characteristics appear to be the same or similar in other regions is called cultural homogeneity. There is a tendency to harmonize into Western cultures, and individual countries' cultural identity is weakened. There are also cultural and economic inequalities between countries. The problem of uniformity has a problem that will infringe upon the traditional uniqueness of each country. However, the government should try to respect individual cultural identity and cultural spontaneity.

Globalization is an important factor in creating and spreading cultural identity. This is due to the tendency to see globalization as the same as existing identity. We need to have a much broader and more flexible perspective than we currently see with a view to cultural globalization.

    2. Interesting points

Coffee, which is native to Africa, has been assimilated with European culture and spread around the world today. Starbucks coffee shops run by multinational companies have a total of 9,000 stores around the world, and stores around the world offer the same coffee, same signboards, and the same service, creating a homogeneous landscape. These Starbucks are American companies. While Starbucks companies that spread across the country develop further and better by pursuing their own interests with the profits they earn, I think poor countries create a system that cannot afford to compete with.

   3. Discussion

If globalization spreads, small countries can lose their cultural identity as they accept the culture of the great powers.
Multinational corporations will also grow. Due to the nature of companies aimed at profit-seeking, they import grain cheaply from Africa and sell the country high again. This cycle is repeated and poverty is getting worse in small countries like Africa. There is a growing poverty problem. What are the solutions to this problem?


  1. Rather, I think globalization will increase international support for Africa and other poor countries.In addition to the competition of multinational companies, globalization helps people to see other world problems. Therefore, you will feel empathy for such matters.


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