Blog assignment 2 - Cultural Globalization /Jiyeon Han

1. Summary of the article

To understand the meaning of "cultural globalization," one can understand the two terms accurately. First of all, Globalization is a multidimensional process, going simultaneously within the spheres of the economy, of politics, of technological developments, of environmental change and of culture. In other words, It means the flow of global era in each field-people, fashions, beliefs, images and so on. The most people understand globalization as a generalized process of increasing connectedness.
The expansion of creation and social relationships is not only observed at the material level. Cultural globalization involves the formation of shared norms and knowledge that connect people to their individual and group cultural identities.
And, the meaning of the ‘culture’ often distorts. So we have to think what is the culture. Clifford Geertz (1973: 14) says ‘Culture is not a power, something to which social events can be causally attributed’. It is the primordial context in which human agency arises and takes place.
It is that culture is a dimension in which globalization both has its effects and simultaneously is generated and shaped. One useful way to think about the consequentiality of culture for globalization is to grasp how culturally informed ‘local’ actions can have globalizing consequences.
Despite the historical tendency for cultures and nations to claim universality as their possession, the appeal to the universal can perhaps be made to work in a cosmopolitan world order as a construct: as one way, amongst others, of understanding our human condition and of relating in dialogue with others.

2. mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned

3. identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle
Is it the part of cultural globalization that we drink Starbucks Coffee, eat hamburgers at McDonalds, and wear Guess shirts? What is the mental impact of cultural globalization on us?
