Blog Assignment 2 - Cultural Globalization / Han Seung MIn

Blog assignment 2 - Cultural Globalization / Han Seung MIn


1. Summary

Cultural globalization, a phenomenon by which the experience of everyday life, as influenced by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, reflects a standardization of cultural expressions around the world. Propelled by the efficiency or appeal of wireless communications, electronic commerce, popular culture, and international travel, globalization has been seen as a trend toward homogeneity that will eventually make human experience everywhere essentially the same. This appears, however, to be an overstatement of the phenomenon. Although homogenizing influences do indeed exist, they are far from creating anything akin to a single world culture.
Virtually all serious scholars will accept this broad but general argument that globalization today is a multi-dimensional process that takes place simultaneously in the development of technologies in economics, politics, environment change and culture, especially in media and communications technology. One simple way to define globalization without giving priority or causal priority is to define it as a complex and accelerated integration process of global connectivity. This abstract, generalized way of globalization means a rapidly evolving and ever-pushing network of interconnection and interdependence that characterizes the physical, social, economic and cultural life in modern society. The most basic description of globalization is about the implications of this network and the network (hidden meaning). In other words, globalization involves the flow of almost everything (and transnational) around them that characterizes modern life: capital, goods, people, knowledge, information and ideas, crime, pollution, disease, trends, beliefs, etc.
So when you understand globalization as a generalized process that increases connectivity, you have to keep in mind the multidimensional complexity of the process. Nevertheless, there are many good implicit assumptions about the relative importance of each of these dimensions. And the most important of these assumptions is that the economic sphere is an important factor, and it's an essential component of global connectivity. This is the kind of imagination and language dominated by corporate business, politicians and anti-globalization activists. Forming the immediate understanding of the most everyday people about what globalization is is is an easy shorthand for media discourse.

2. Interesting Points



What was interesting to me was that in many ways, for example, mobility enhancements, new communications technologies and global media experiences, people easily integrate local and global cultural data into their consciousness. It's like a topic emerging from the modern era that never happened before. It's like if we just click on a smartphone and we get news from the other side of the world. Likewise, what happens in the distance of the Earth is not as vivid as our neighbor's. And yet we found that the importance of our lives was increasing, and that was interesting. In this book, the positive potential of reverse discrimination, in changing our experiences in local life, has touched on a new feeling of cultural openness, human interaction, and global ethical responsibility. Not only at the end of this chapter, but also at the end of this chapter, I thought we should develop this idea by briefly considering the fate of cultural identity in a globalized world, and it was interesting because of the content and ideas in this book.


And what was interesting about this book was that human rights would still be a controversial issue. However, it was interesting to me that thinking about these issues in terms of identity would probably soften. It was interesting to note that at the same time women, Chinese, Beijing, political opponents, patriots, Buddhists and other contexts of Western liberalists could be transferred as it was possible to hold a repertory of identity without further conflict. Namely Countries that claim universality as their possession, appeals to universal things, may be made to work with people around the world. It was also interesting reading that we would have to come up with a much more agile and flexible cultural concept than we now have.

3. Discussion

We learned about cultural globalization. Cultural globalization has a multidisciplinary, complex network. In my opinion, I felt that cultural globalization, speaking in this book, needs to be understood in many ways. There are many things about cultural globalization. I think we should understand not only music (pop, K-pop, J-pop), food (KFC, Kimchi), culture (hollywood, hallyu), but also the concept of cultural globalization from a different perspective. Moreover, I think we should think about how each country's culture should be preserved and not tarnished when it becomes globalized.


  1. I think we should be able to preserve our own cultural characteristics. However, as globalization speeds up and ICT progresses, many cultures are flowing in. In this situation, I wonder what alternatives are available for preservation.


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