What is Globalization / Blog Assignment I / Cindy Paskalina Kweesar

Globalization is a general and specific topic at the same time. Globalization also has many topics that can be discussed, such as global citizenship, migration and human rights. This very popular term is often tried to be defined by various scholar. Many people from different backgrounds have different views about globalization. Therefore it is difficult to find the definition of globalization that is accepted by everyone. One scholar who tries to define globalization is Velho (1997). He sees globalization as an object, a perspective and a horizon.

A study of globalization indicates that the effects of globalization itself began to be felt several centuries ago, but this word was only recognized in the academic world in the late 1980s or early 1990s when the fall of berlin wall occurred.

In the 2000s, the globalization perspective was divided into two sides, Globalization from above and globalization from below. Adherents of globalization from above emphasize the positive impact of globalization, while Adherents of globalization from below are the people who participate in anti-globalization movement demonstrations at various organizational meetings (WTO or IMF).
Many people only see globalization as increasing connectivity. In fact, there are many things that must be considered such as subjective and cultural factors. It took centuries for humans to recognize that cultural aspects of globalization.

The globalization dimension that is now most often discussed is economic, political and cultural. All dimensions discussed are very important and cannot be ignored. But in addition to these 3 dimensions, one more dimension is often forgotten, namely the social dimension. It is a irony considering that it is sociologists who often define globalization. One good example of globalization that addresses the social dimension is the term McDonaldization. This term is about Rizter's concern about the spread of American culture, economy, social and politics to all other parts of the world. Here Rizter expressed how important the process of adaptation to local circumstances is. This process of adaptation is still included in the form of homogeneity even though there is a slight change to it.
Global adaptation to local is a topic that is often talked about in the paradigm of globalization, especially for those who are also interested in business too. They often called it as glocalization. This is a combination of the terms globalization and localization. You could say glocalisation is the effect of globalization. Global and local look very different, however glocalization describes the relationship that occurs when the global meets with the local. In order for global values that usually originate from western culture to be easily accepted by other countries, this culture is intertwined with local values so that a kind of mixing of cultures occurs. This is the reason why this topic is very popular in the business world. Understanding glocalization and then assimilating two different cultures in a great way can be the key to become successful in selling global product at the local region.

Next we will talk about the form of globalization the most talked form or pattern of globalization belong to Immanuel Wallerstein. Many scholars often use the concept that he made. He has terms called “The world Capitalist System" and mentions that there are various ways to become more one in this world, for example through living in the same shade or living in imperial lines. In addition, another thing that needs to be mentioned is that the expansion of capitalism for several hundred years is the reason for the expansion of "The World Capitalist System".
If we discuss global history, it is difficult not to link it to globalization. When we learn history, we learn it through our global perspective today. This is reflected when we start writing history about a country, etnich gropus and others. Therefore many people question whether globalization is another concept of global change

What was interesting / what did i learn:
It is interesting to see how globalization and the topics in it are still relatively young and new studies. Based on the reading of globalization, it is only officially used in acadec world in the early 1990s, meaning it is only 40 years ago. This means that many explorations can still be made regarding globalization issues. Topics in globalization paradigm such as immigration, environment, communication technology are very important to discuss. If we can study topics like this really well, we can help human civilization move faster in a better direction.

Disscusion point:
Seeing the inevitable globalization, I became convinced that sooner or later, our world could become a truly one world, for example same language, same ideology and so on. We may only have a global citizenship without holding national citizenship at the same time. If we believe in the notion that what makes people survive (not fighting and competing with each other) are cultural, perspective and behavioral similarities, then does the globalization thing ultimately guarantee human peace? If so, does it mean that we should accelerate the process of globalization and sacrifice our local indentity?


  1. I love your writing, and I want to ask about your opinion. What do you think about the effect globalization in this era ? Is it give the positive impact? or negative impact?


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